Емайл возможного мошенника darrylebackage@gmail.com

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Администрация Сайта не осуществляет предварительную проверку (модерацию и/или цензуру) размещаемой пользователями информации в случаях, прямо не предусмотренных законодательством РФ.
Дата, от когосообщенияИсточник
16.09.2015 13:52
Одинаковых 1
Мнение пользователя:
Могут видеть только зарегистрированные!
пишут с адреса darrylebackage@gmail.com
Dennis Darrly
Начинается с ответа на объявления о продаже чего либо.
still for sale?
После ответа приходит следующее письмо
Hello friend,
Thanks for the mail,am glad you st ill have the ITEM available
for sale,however i'd like to know the f ollowing details....

How long have you had the ITEM
what's the condition of the ITEM
How much is the actual price for it in euro
Why do you want to sell it
Do you prefer payment through Bank Tran sfer
And shipping cost by EMS to canada

Please get back to me with the answer o f the above question and some
pictures of the ITEM if available...

Await your reply soon.

И заканчивается этим:
How are you?I hope you are alright,and I'm glad to inform you that i
have made the payment of the items,I have make the transfer of the
sum of 1047 euro so i hope you have got the confirmation mail from
Scotia bank of Canada and I'm sure you must have receive the
confirmation mail of the payment from my Bank by now,because i have
got the carbon Copy of the payment confirmation mail from my Bank .So
i want you to check you INBOX, BULK And JUNK E-mail for the payment confirmation .

So i want you to proceed with the shipment,since the payment has been
approved and you have got a confirmation mail.So i want you to go and
make the shipment and send the shipment details to my Bank immediately
the shipment has been successfully done ,so that they can able to
activate your account quickly.

However this is my cousin address for the shipment below...

Name: Marry-Ann Wiebe
Address: 173 McKenize street.
City: Winnipeg
State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Zip Code: R2W 5A3

I urge you to kindly proceed with the shipment,because since the
payment has been confirmed,it can never be refunded to me,so i promise
you that your account will be activated as soon as you make the
shipment and you send my Bank the shipment details.

However i will be waiting for the shipment details soon.

Будьте Осторожны! Вложение = http://gmail.com

Связанные реквизиты, страницы:gmail.com, darrylebackage@gmail.com

Могут видеть только зарегистрированные!
Регистрация 3 секунды!
08.06.2015 22:04
Одинаковых 3
Мнение пользователя:
Могут видеть только зарегистрированные!
пишут с адреса darrylebackage@gmail.com
Dennis Darrly
Начинается с ответа на объявления о продаже чего либо.
still for sale?
После ответа приходит следующее письмо
Hello friend,
Thanks for the mail,am glad you st ill have the ITEM available
for sale,however i'd like to know the f ollowing details....

How long have you had the ITEM
what's the condition of the ITEM
How much is the actual price for it in euro
Why do you want to sell it
Do you prefer payment through Bank Tran sfer
And shipping cost by EMS to canada

Please get back to me with the answer o f the above question and some
pictures of the ITEM if available...

Await your reply soon.

И заканчивается этим:
How are you?I hope you are alright,and I'm glad to inform you that i
have made the payment of the items,I have make the transfer of the
sum of 1047 euro so i hope you have got the confirmation mail from
Scotia bank of Canada and I'm sure you must have receive the
confirmation mail of the payment from my Bank by now,because i have
got the carbon Copy of the payment confirmation mail from my Bank .So
i want you to check you INBOX, BULK And JUNK E-mail for the payment confirmation .

So i want you to proceed with the shipment,since the payment has been
approved and you have got a confirmation mail.So i want you to go and
make the shipment and send the shipment details to my Bank immediately
the shipment has been successfully done ,so that they can able to
activate your account quickly.

However this is my cousin address for the shipment below...

Name: Marry-Ann Wiebe
Address: 173 McKenize street.
City: Winnipeg
State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Zip Code: R2W 5A3

I urge you to kindly proceed with the shipment,because since the
payment has been confirmed,it can never be refunded to me,so i promise
you that your account will be activated as soon as you make the
shipment and you send my Bank the shipment details.

However i will be waiting for the shipment details soon.

Будьте Осторожны!

Связанные реквизиты, страницы:darrylebackage@gmail.com

Могут видеть только зарегистрированные!
Регистрация 3 секунды!